How to use the pandas and seaborn libraries to load CSV data into Python, calculate descriptive statistics, and make simple visualisations.

Binder slides

Learning objectives

  • Gain an introduction to the DataFrame data structure of the pandas library
  • Import CSV data into a pandas DataFrame
  • Calculate descriptive statistics with pandas
  • Generate histogram, scatter, and correlation plots with the seaborn library


  • Chapter 2 of Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow by Aurèlien Geron.

What is pandas?

Figure: Not a Python library.

pandas is one of the most popular Python libraries in data science and for good reasons. It provides high-level data structures and functions that are designed to make working with structured or tabular data fast, easy, and expressive. In particular, pandas provides fancy indexing capabilities that make it easy to reshape, slice and dice, perform aggregregations, and select subsets of data (and more!). Since data manipulation and cleaning are such important skills in data science, pandas will be one of the primary focuses in the first half of this module.

The two workhorse data structures of pandas are:

  • Series: a one-dimensional array-like object that contains a sequence of values and an associated array of data labels, called its index;
  • DataFrame: a rectangular table of data that contains an ordered collection of column, each of which can be a different typ (numeric, string, boolean etc). It has both a row and a column index and can be thought of as a dict of Series all sharing the same index.

As a rough idea, you can think of DataFrame objects as "tables" and Series objects as vectors or columns of a table. (The analogy isn't perfect because you can actually use DataFrame objects to represent higher dimensional data using hierarchical indexing; we will learn about this later in the module.) A graphical representation of these data structures is shown in the figure below.

Figure: Graphical representation of the Series and DataFrame objects in pandas.

Throughout this module, we will use the following import statement for pandas

import pandas as pd

which is the accepted convention in the community. Thus whenever you see pd in code, you know it's referring to pandas.

Import libraries

To use any Python library in your code you first have to make it accessible, i.e. you have to import it. For example, executing

current_time =

in a cell block will return NameError: name 'datetime' is not defined. Evidently native Python doesn't know what datetime means. In general, for any object to be defined, it has to be accessible within the current scope, namely:

  1. It belongs to Python's default environment. These are the in-built functions and containers we saw in lesson 1, e.g. str, print, list etc.
  2. It has been defined in the current program, e.g. when you create a custom function with the def keyword.
  3. It exists as a separate libary and you imported the library with a suitable import statement.

Item (3) explains why datetime was not defined: it is a separate library that must be imported before we can access its functionality. Thus the solution to our error above is to execute

import datetime
current_time =

which should return a datetime string in ISO format like '2019-02-24T13:15:33.512181'. See this article for a nice summary about imports and what scope means in the context of Python.

# reload modules before executing user code
%load_ext autoreload
# reload all modules every time before executing Python code
%autoreload 2
# render plots in notebook
%matplotlib inline
# data wrangling
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from dslectures.core import get_dataset

# data viz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns


You should know

In addition to the standard data science libraries, we have also imported Python's pathlib module since it provides an object oriented interface to the file system that is intuitive and platform independent (i.e. it works equally well with Windows, mac OS, or Unix/Linux). See this article for a nice overview of what pathlib is and why it's awesome.

Load data

To get warmed up, we will use the California Housing dataset, which contains 10 explanatory variables describing aspects of residential homes in California from the 1990s. The goal will be to read the data using pandas and use the library's functions to extract descriptive statistics in a fast manner.

First we need to fetch the dataset from Google Drive - we can do that by running the following function:

Download of housing dataset complete.

To load our dataset we need to tell pandas where to look for it. First, lets have a look at what we have in the data/ directory:

DATA = Path('../data/')
!ls {DATA}

You should know

Starting a line in a Jupyter notebook with an exclamation point !, or bang, tells Jupyter to execute everything after the bang in the system shell. This means you can delete files, change directories, or execute any other process.

A very powerful aspect of bangs is that the output of a shell command can be assigned to a variable! For example:

contents = !ls {DATA}
directory = !pwd

With pathlib it is a simple matter to define the filepath to the housing dataset, and since the file is in CSV format we can load it as a pandas DataFrame as follows:

housing_data = pd.read_csv(DATA/'housing.csv')

Inspect data

This first thing we recommend after creating a DataFrame is to inspect the first/last few rows to make sure there's no surprises in the data format that need to be dealt with. For example, one often finds metadata or aggregations at the end of Excel files, and this can cause problems if not handled correctly.

The DataFrame.head method displays the first five rows of a DataFrame:

longitude latitude housing_median_age total_rooms total_bedrooms population households median_income median_house_value ocean_proximity
0 -122.23 37.88 41.0 880.0 129.0 322.0 126.0 8.3252 452600.0 NEAR BAY
1 -122.22 37.86 21.0 7099.0 1106.0 2401.0 1138.0 8.3014 358500.0 NEAR BAY
2 -122.24 37.85 52.0 1467.0 190.0 496.0 177.0 7.2574 352100.0 NEAR BAY
3 -122.25 37.85 52.0 1274.0 235.0 558.0 219.0 5.6431 341300.0 NEAR BAY
4 -122.25 37.85 52.0 1627.0 280.0 565.0 259.0 3.8462 342200.0 NEAR BAY

If we want to see more rows, we just pass an integer argument to the method as follows:

longitude latitude housing_median_age total_rooms total_bedrooms population households median_income median_house_value ocean_proximity
0 -122.23 37.88 41.0 880.0 129.0 322.0 126.0 8.3252 452600.0 NEAR BAY
1 -122.22 37.86 21.0 7099.0 1106.0 2401.0 1138.0 8.3014 358500.0 NEAR BAY
2 -122.24 37.85 52.0 1467.0 190.0 496.0 177.0 7.2574 352100.0 NEAR BAY
3 -122.25 37.85 52.0 1274.0 235.0 558.0 219.0 5.6431 341300.0 NEAR BAY
4 -122.25 37.85 52.0 1627.0 280.0 565.0 259.0 3.8462 342200.0 NEAR BAY
5 -122.25 37.85 52.0 919.0 213.0 413.0 193.0 4.0368 269700.0 NEAR BAY
6 -122.25 37.84 52.0 2535.0 489.0 1094.0 514.0 3.6591 299200.0 NEAR BAY
7 -122.25 37.84 52.0 3104.0 687.0 1157.0 647.0 3.1200 241400.0 NEAR BAY
8 -122.26 37.84 42.0 2555.0 665.0 1206.0 595.0 2.0804 226700.0 NEAR BAY
9 -122.25 37.84 52.0 3549.0 707.0 1551.0 714.0 3.6912 261100.0 NEAR BAY


Similar to DataFrame.head, the DataFrame.tail method returns the last five rows of a DataFrame:

longitude latitude housing_median_age total_rooms total_bedrooms population households median_income median_house_value ocean_proximity
20635 -121.09 39.48 25.0 1665.0 374.0 845.0 330.0 1.5603 78100.0 INLAND
20636 -121.21 39.49 18.0 697.0 150.0 356.0 114.0 2.5568 77100.0 INLAND
20637 -121.22 39.43 17.0 2254.0 485.0 1007.0 433.0 1.7000 92300.0 INLAND
20638 -121.32 39.43 18.0 1860.0 409.0 741.0 349.0 1.8672 84700.0 INLAND
20639 -121.24 39.37 16.0 2785.0 616.0 1387.0 530.0 2.3886 89400.0 INLAND


Sometimes it is useful to generate a random sample from the DataFrame, which can be achieved as follows:

# random_state is the seed for the random number generator
housing_data.sample(n=5, random_state=42)
longitude latitude housing_median_age total_rooms total_bedrooms population households median_income median_house_value ocean_proximity
20046 -119.01 36.06 25.0 1505.0 NaN 1392.0 359.0 1.6812 47700.0 INLAND
3024 -119.46 35.14 30.0 2943.0 NaN 1565.0 584.0 2.5313 45800.0 INLAND
15663 -122.44 37.80 52.0 3830.0 NaN 1310.0 963.0 3.4801 500001.0 NEAR BAY
20484 -118.72 34.28 17.0 3051.0 NaN 1705.0 495.0 5.7376 218600.0 <1H OCEAN
9814 -121.93 36.62 34.0 2351.0 NaN 1063.0 428.0 3.7250 278000.0 NEAR OCEAN


The method is useful to get a quick description of the data, in particular the total number of row, and each column's type and number of non-null values.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 20640 entries, 0 to 20639
Data columns (total 10 columns):
longitude             20640 non-null float64
latitude              20640 non-null float64
housing_median_age    20640 non-null float64
total_rooms           20640 non-null float64
total_bedrooms        20433 non-null float64
population            20640 non-null float64
households            20640 non-null float64
median_income         20640 non-null float64
median_house_value    20640 non-null float64
ocean_proximity       20640 non-null object
dtypes: float64(9), object(1)
memory usage: 1.6+ MB

We see there are 20,640 rows in the dataset and that the total_bedrooms column is missing values because it has less than 20,640 non-null values. We also see that ocean_proximity is of object type, which suggests it is a str - to see how many districts belong to each category we can use the DataFrame.value_counts method:

<1H OCEAN     9136
INLAND        6551
NEAR OCEAN    2658
NEAR BAY      2290
ISLAND           5
Name: ocean_proximity, dtype: int64


Another way to get a summary of the numerical attributes is via the DataFrame.describe method:

longitude latitude housing_median_age total_rooms total_bedrooms population households median_income median_house_value
count 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20433.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000
mean -119.569704 35.631861 28.639486 2635.763081 537.870553 1425.476744 499.539680 3.870671 206855.816909
std 2.003532 2.135952 12.585558 2181.615252 421.385070 1132.462122 382.329753 1.899822 115395.615874
min -124.350000 32.540000 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000 3.000000 1.000000 0.499900 14999.000000
25% -121.800000 33.930000 18.000000 1447.750000 296.000000 787.000000 280.000000 2.563400 119600.000000
50% -118.490000 34.260000 29.000000 2127.000000 435.000000 1166.000000 409.000000 3.534800 179700.000000
75% -118.010000 37.710000 37.000000 3148.000000 647.000000 1725.000000 605.000000 4.743250 264725.000000
max -114.310000 41.950000 52.000000 39320.000000 6445.000000 35682.000000 6082.000000 15.000100 500001.000000

In some cases, we want to explicitly calculate descriptive statistics of a single column. For example, the mean and median house age can be calculated as follows:

mean, median = housing_data['housing_median_age'].mean(), housing_data['housing_median_age'].median()

print(f'The housing median age mean is {mean:.2f} years, while the median is {median} years')
The housing median age mean is 28.64 years, while the median is 29.0 years

A first look a data visualisation

Another quick way to get a feel for the type of numeric data that you are dealing with is to plot one or more of the following:

  • Histograms: shows the number of instances (on the vertical axis) that have a given value range (on the horizontal axis). Useful for understanding the shape of a single variable.
  • Correlation matrix heatmap: shows how much each column correlates with each other column with a color gradient. Useful for quickly seeing which variables correlate most strongly with the variable of interest.
  • Scatter plots: shows a collection of points, each having the value of one column determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other column determining the position on the vertical axis. Useful for visually looking for correlations.

To create these plots we will use the seaborn data visualisation library. In the same way the pd is the accepted alias for pandas, one use sns as the alias for seaborn.


Histograms are one of the most simple, yet powerful types of data visualisation. They can quickly tell us which values are most frequent, whether there are outliers and more. To create a histogram in seaborn, we can use the seaborn.distplot method which expects a Series object with no missing values.

# we append a semi-colon ; to suppress some metadata from the plot
sns.distplot(housing_data['housing_median_age'], kde=False);

From this plot we can see a few of the values that we previously calculated. For example we see that the maximum value of housing age is about 50 years and that the most frequent value is around 30 years. Curiously, there is a second peak around 15 years - why might that be the case? Asking these types of questions is often the first step in any exploratory data analysis.

Exercise #1

Create a histogram of the median_income attribute. Does it look like it was expressed in US dollars? What do you think might explain the possible range of values in the data?

Correlation matrix heatmap

To create the heatmap, we first need to calculate the correlation matrix of our numerical columns.

correlation_matrix = housing_data.corr()

We can examine why attributes correlate most strongly with the median house value, which will be the quantity we wish to predict when we start building models:

median_house_value    1.000000
median_income         0.688075
total_rooms           0.134153
housing_median_age    0.105623
households            0.065843
total_bedrooms        0.049686
population           -0.024650
longitude            -0.045967
latitude             -0.144160
Name: median_house_value, dtype: float64

Exercise #2

  • Which attribute is the most promising to predict the median house value?
  • How can you interpret the small negative correlation between the latitude and the median house value?

Let's now build our heatmap! By default, seaborn uses strong positive correlations are shown in lighter shades:

sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix, annot=True, fmt='.2f', linewidths=1);

You should know

Whenever you hear the word "correlation", most people are usually referring to the standard correlation coefficient $\rho_{X,Y}$ (also called Pearson's r) between a pair of random variables $X$ and $Y$:

$$ \rho_{X,Y} = \frac{\mathrm{cov}(X,Y)}{\sigma_X\sigma_Y} \,,$$

where $\sigma_{X,Y}$ is the standard deviation of $X,Y$ and $\mathrm{cov}$ is the covariance. This coefficient ranges from -1 to 1; when it is close to 1 (-1) it means there is a strong positive (negative) correlation. When the coefficient is close to 0 it means there is no linear correlation. The figure below show various plots along with the correlation coefficient between their horizontal and vertical axes.

Figure: Standard correlation coefficient of various datasets. (source: Wikipedia)

Scatter plots

Finally, another way to check for correlations is to examine the scatter plots of each numeric column. This can be useful for detecting non-linear correlations which might be missed in the analysis above. Seaborn provides a handy seaborn.pairplot function that allows us to quicky see the relationships between the numeric data:

attributes = ["median_house_value", "median_income", "total_rooms", "housing_median_age"]

In many cases, a scatter plot can be too dense to interpret because there are many overlapping points. For such scenarios, hexagon bin plots are very useful since they bin the spatial area of the chart and the intensity of a hexagon's color can be interpreted as points being more concentrated in this area. Let's make such a plot for the median_income and median_house_value variables using the seaborn.jointplot function:

sns.jointplot('median_income', 'median_house_value', data=housing_data, kind='hex');

Exercise #3

Why do you think we see a horizontal line at around $500,000?

Exercise #4

Visit the seaborn website and explore the available plotting functions and apply them to attributes in the housing dataset.